Byg din egen sodavandsmaskine (lodde-workshop)

by Christian Dannesboe

Christian Dannesboe aka. Mr. raket-mand lader børnene bygge en sodavandsmaskine.

  • Der skal loddes komponenter på et arduino-shield
  • Der skal bygges en cola-sensor.
  • Der skal samles et pumpemodul

Medbring din egen kasse og en loddekolbe, så har vi resten!

Der skal loddes, skæres, klippes, samles, kortsluttes, justeres, males og fejlsøges. Til sidst serveres Cola (=HAPPINESS).

Det med småt

  • Det er først til mølle, da der “kun” er luftpumper til 12 sodavandsmaskinerne
  • Børn prioriteres over voksne
  • Børn under 12 år skal ledsages af en voksen
  • Der er en lille egenbetaling på 50,- for en sodavandsmaskine. Dette er muliggjort af et Sommerhack tilskud på 150,-. Prisen dækker hardware (Arduino UNO R3, pumpe, ventil, batteri, PCB-komponenter, ledning, slanger samt 2L Cola)

Download Byggevejledning

En tidlig prototype 🙂
Sodavandsmaskinens indvolde!

Inspirationsbilleder i bedste AI-stil:

Draw me a picture of a childrens workshop where a number of children together with some adults build their own soda dispensing machines. Each kid is building their own soda dispensing machine which is build from cardboard, so that it looks like a simple vending machine, and contains one large bottle of coke, some a button, electrical wires from the button to a small pump and a tube from inside the bottle that is pumped into a cup or glass using pressured air that is pumped into the bottle from the pump.
Draw me a picture of a childrens workshop where a number of children together with some adults build their own soda dispensing machines. Each kid is building their own soda dispensing machine which is build from cardboard, so that it looks like a simple vending machine, and contains one large bottle of coke, some a button, electrical wires from the button to a small pump and a tube from inside the bottle that is pumped into a cup or glass using pressured air that is pumped into the bottle from the pump.